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Tactical Folding Knife, by Bob Terzuola

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Tactical knives are the hottest things on the cutlery market right now. Everybody wants one. Now every hobbyist can have the skills to make his or her own custom tactical folding knife. Step-by-step instructions and outstanding photography guide the knifemaker from start to finish. Knifemaker Bob Terzuola has been called the father of the tactical folding knife. This book details everything from the basic definition of a tactical folder to the final polishing as the knife is finished. There is also a chapter on timesaving tips all knifemakers can use.
- Sales Rank: #1991748 in Books
- Published on: 2000-05
- Original language: English
- Number of items: 1
- Dimensions: .39" h x 8.51" w x 10.95" l,
- Binding: Paperback
- 160 pages
Most helpful customer reviews
5 of 6 people found the following review helpful.
Nuts and Bolts information!
By Duncan
-First off- I was looking for a book to help me understand the physical qualities of a liner-lock and other aspects of knife construction. This book came recommended by a local blacksmith and an online connection.
-You will not be dissapointed by the detail, process, and talk-through of the various aspects of the lock, blade and design considerations explored here. Troubleshoting is included- as is tooling setup and the philosophy of "Why" things are done.
-I would reccomend this as one of the 3 books ANY aspiring knife/blade maker or value/appraisal person should own. Boyle- Terzoula- Goddard... between these 3- if you cant make a knife- you aint trying!
29 of 31 people found the following review helpful.
The best in-print book on this topic
By Andrew Limsk
Robert Terzuola's name will be instantly recognizable to knife collectors the world over as the veteran maker of some of the finest tactical knives available. In this excellent book, Terzuola shares his knowledge of the new 'hot' item among collectors - the tactical folding knife.
The book covers design, shaping, fitting and finishing tactical folders in a refreshingly readable style. Simple enough for even non-knife enthusiasts yet detailed enough for new makers looking to improve their work - a great combination. Accompanied by masterful advice, clear step-by-step photographs, and superb diagrams of the famous linerlock mechanism, this book is worth every cent for the information value alone. If you are a beginning maker or simply interested in how much craftsmanship goes into these tools, you need to look no further than this book.
5 of 5 people found the following review helpful.
Great Resource but Hard to Find
By Inca Orchid
After reading various reviews on how useful the information in this book is and how hard to find I decided to look for an electronic alternative.
I found the e-version on goggle(sic) play books. The price was extremely affordable.
This review is intended to describe how very useful I found the material to be.
Bob Terzuola is an extraordinary knife maker and designer. His designs are used today by some of the best knife makers.
I also wanted to share my discovery that even this expensive and very hard-to-find book CAN be acquired by us regular guys. I am NOT advertising
for goggle(sic) but people should know that this information is available.
Hope this helped someone!
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