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Growing into light, by Max Freedom Long

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This is a new release of the original 1955 edition.
- Sales Rank: #3002435 in Books
- Published on: 1955
- Number of items: 1
- Binding: Hardcover
- 177 pages
Most helpful customer reviews
29 of 30 people found the following review helpful.
Basic introduction to HUNA; with exercizes
By Two Bears
This is a good basic HUNA book; but I honestly feel you would be better served by buying Max Freedom Long's earlier book "The Secret Science At Work" instead. "The Secret Science At Work" goes much further in depth.
I would recommend this book as an introduction for people that may be interested in HUNA
If you have questions or comments; E-Mail me. Two Bears.
Wah doh Ogedoda (We give thanks Great Spirit)
5 of 6 people found the following review helpful.
Nice Nuggets of Information
By T. L. Lewis
Max Freedom Long has found truely effective methods for creating your own reality (working magick). I find that like most of his work there are nuggets of very valuable information in Growing Into Light.
0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Max Freedom Long An interesting research into the Mind
By Jana L. Shellman
This is an interesting book, true searchers for enlightenment can glean tidbits of ancient wisdom collected by Max Freedom Long. I've been studying his books and the knowledge he gleaned for over 55 years. If you are searching for enlightenment, I recommend all of his books.
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