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Special Report: Agenda 21 and How to Stop It, by Tom DeWeese

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The best little booklet yet offered on "Agenda 21 and How to Stop It." This unique tool is a must for local activists looking for effective ways to fight Sustainable Development in their local community. Written by nationally-recognized Agenda 21 expert Tom DeWeese, this 35 page booklet gives a brief, but detailed overview of Agenda 21, its origins; details of the infamous "three Es;" the four ways Agenda 21 is implemented throughout the nation; and details on some of the main Planners who are enforcing the policy of Sustainable Development. In addition, the booklet, produced by American Policy Center, includes brand new step by step ideas on how to fight back in local communities, including definitions on property rights useful in writing legislation and a "Resolution to Protect Citizens' Property Rights," that is becoming a valuable new tool across the nation to challenge local planning regulations. The booklet is colorfully illustrated with graphics created by Carroll County, Maryland Commissioner Richard Rothschild, the elected official who led his county to be the first to oppose Sustainable Development infringement policies. Written by nationally-recognized Agenda 21 expert Tom DeWeese, this 35 page booklet gives a brief, but detailed overview of Agenda 21, its origins; details of the infamous "three Es;" the four ways Agenda 21 is implemented throughout the nation; and details on some of the main Planners who are enforcing the policy of Sustainable Development. In addition, the booklet, produced by American Policy Center, includes brand new step by step ideas on how to fight back in local communities, including definitions on property rights useful in writing legislation and a "Resolution to Protect Citizens' Property Rights," that is becoming a valuable new tool across the nation to challenge local planning regulations. The booklet is colorfully illustrated with graphics created by Maryland Commissioner Richard Rothschild.
- Sales Rank: #520562 in Books
- Published on: 2013
- Binding: Paperback
- 35 pages
Most helpful customer reviews
4 of 4 people found the following review helpful.
Share This with Everyone You Know!
By Patrick
Excellent Book that should be read by all!! Agenda 21 is so difficult to explain to most people because it comes across as a 'conspiracy theory' but it is not! This book is full of the right information to get people to, at least, start paying attention. If we can get them to get interested in this world changing HOAX, maybe it can be stopped. Great read!
5 of 6 people found the following review helpful.
Excellent service. Interesting reading -- lots to think about
By Bonita J. DeMott
Excellent service. Interesting reading -- lots to think about!
2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
Agenda 21: Important for all Patriots
By J. Strickert
This special report is concise & excellent in this truncated format!
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